
答案: 乔伊How you doin? 莫妮卡I Know! 瑞秋no!!! 菲比Yay! 罗斯we were on a break! 钱德勒Could there BE any more? 1994年9月22日,美剧《老友记》开播,到2004年5月6日大结局,10年的岁月让我们跟着六位主角一起成长。莫妮卡(柯特妮·考克斯 饰 )、钱德勒(马修·派...

Let me present them to you: Professor and Doctor Du Bin, director of the Medical ICU, Peking Union Medical College Hospital; Ms. Qiao Jie, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and president of Peking University Third Hospital; Mr. Cao...

这部MV不仅在上线34分钟内就打破纪录,点击量突破100万,还致敬了许多经典电影的经典角色。新京报为你揭秘这部MV中隐藏的诸多彩蛋。 MV截图 在《Thank U, Next》中,格兰德模仿了一些经典电影的经典桥段,以此向青少年浪漫喜剧致敬。视频的开场是《贱女孩》,格兰德变身高...

he was one of he guys that I singled out 我把他挑出来专门研究 You can always rely on him no matter 他永远值得信赖 no matter what\\'s going on 不论形势如何 you see the talent 天赋满满 I wouldn\\'t trade it for the world man I love all of y\\'all man 把...

“To where.” That’s all I could manage. “To the Cavaliers, for Kyrie.” “交易到哪了?”我终于挤出了这几个字。 “去了骑士,我们用你换了凯里-欧文。” And that’s when, like — man. You ever been on the phone, and someone says something … and thena...

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